Uganda National Roads Authority has donated two ambulances to Kween District and Bukwo District respectively.
The ambulances have been given to Kaproron Health Centre IV in Kween District and Bukwo District valued at the sum of Seven Hundred and Ninety Million (790,000,000/-Uganda Shillings).
This in fulfillment of a Project with multinational operation that provides an important link between Uganda and Kenya by connecting at the border post of Suam.
The project road supports the regional integration objective of member countries of East African Community (EAC) and Great Lakes Region
The Uganda road project is Kapchorwa-Suam and the Kenya side of the project road are Suam-Kitale and Eldoret Bypass estimated to last 36 months.
Uganda National Roads Authority on 31st January 2020 signed a contract with M/s Joh. Achelis & Sohne GmbH of Langster 30, 28195 Bremen, Germany as a vendor to Supply, Commission under Procurement Reference no. UNRA/SUPLS/18-19/00163.
“This is a transformative project that contributes to socio-economic development, poverty reduction and regional integration in eastern Uganda and western Kenya” According to UNRA .
The project includes supervision consultancy, studies, training of unemployed youth and capacity building components.
A team comprising Dr. Wainaye J.B from Ministry of Health and Moreen Muyama of UNRA were selected to conduct a pre-shipment inspection in Dubai due to COVID-19 pandemic out break the act was halted.
The pre-hand over inspection was carried out on 2 July 2020 at Liberty Bonded Warehouse in Namanve Industrial Park by the above team and Mr. Waiswa Erisa Simon from Ministry of Health.